Note: You may find BT-LH 1700W LCD panels in the market, but most of them are B or C stock or refurbished units with terrible workmanship. Our panels are genuine A-grade Panasonic OEM units, not imitations. (Panasonic # VEK0J80
BT-LH 1710P LCD panels: We are the ONLY people that carry these LCD panels. Don’t waste time and money looking elsewhere for these, and if you do find them just let us know and we will buy them from you.
(Part number: TX43D85VM0BAA) Panasonic # VEK0M68
BT-LH 1760 LCD panels: Due to low stock levels, these LCD panels are not for sale except bundled with our installation services
(Part number: TX43D86VM0BAA)
BT-LH 2550: We have plenty of these panels in stock for sale. For $99.00 labor costs, we can install the LCD panel for you.
BT-LH 900 BT-LH 80WA: These panels are in stock for sale, or we can install them for you.
BT-LH 910G BT-4LH310 TH-47LFV5U LFV5 BT-LH2170PJ These monitor should be under warranty unless it was damages by the user
BT-3DL2550 BT-LH1850 BT-LH2170 BT-LH910GJ BT-LH2170 TH-47LFV5U LFV5 PAEJMLA26U These panels are in stock for sale, or we can install for you.
We also repair Panasonic
- EJ-MDA32U-K 32" 3D HD LCD Medical Monitor, 32",
- EJMLA37UW Panasonic Professional 37-inch
- EJMLA32UW (EJ-MLA32UW) 32″ Full HD Medical Monitor